Category Archives: Goal Setting

All about Goals, why it is important to set them, and how to achieve them.

Habitual Developments

4 Tips for Habitual Development to Achieve Your Goals

People may be successful or fail in their goals alternately, simply because they have not adopted the right habits that ultimately make winners. You can stay successful for life and achieve your goals, regardless of the type and challenges, by having the right mindset and attitude. Start building healthier habits for a well-rounded lifestyle you can be proud of.

1 Motivation Matters

Motivation is the first step in starting your quest towards your goal, as well as making sure that you stick to it no matter what. The best person who can motivate you for life should be yourself. Always visualize that you are a strong, capable and wilful individual who can achieve anything as long as you put in enough time, work and heart into it.

You can also find a support system that can motivate you should you lose steam alter on. Some of the best persons include your family, your best friend, your spouse and your kids. Having a partner can greatly help so that you can both inspire and push each other, when one is not feeling that good or lacks encouragement.

2 Progress and Review

Establish schedules to check your progress, using a calendar system. You can also include tools like a handwritten list, a PDA or a day planner. When setting goals, you need to be specific and include the deadlines for each objective and goal. You need to develop the plan over time as you go over and review the items carefully. Some items will have to be revised later on as you’ll soon realize. The more important thing is that you stay on track and do not lose courage and motivation. Continue reading Habitual Developments

Achieve Your Goals

Bad Traits to Avoid If You Wish to Achieve Your Goals   2015-02-27_2132

A lot of people stay unsuccessful or have alternating experiences with success and failure, simply because they do not know that they have many bad traits. Bad traits pertain to habits and personal characteristics that ultimately lead to failure. Some of the things you’ve been so used to doing for several years may be the main reason why you struggle much.

The Basic Bad Habits

Laziness is one of the negative habits that a loser has. The worse thing is, lazy people usually do not want to get rid of the problem. If you want to achieve your goals, you need to understand the value of hard work and perseverance. Some of the greatest people in the world are known to work way more than those who did not leave a mark. The greats work longer hours, sleep less, eat less, wake up earlier and suffer more than anybody else. It takes sacrifice to reach your goals. The most important thing to know is that everything you have ever wanted is just outside your comfort zone.

Another bad habit that people have dealt with for several years is fear. They fear things and events without even trying. Some people are even afraid of success subconsciously in a way that they refute any opportunity that can make them great. Some people do not realize that they just do not or cannot handle the bigger responsibilities that achieved goals come with. You should understand that once you reach a certain goal, it can mean that the bar has just been raised for you to accomplish more.

Personal Bad Traits    

Selfishness is a bad trait that you need to get rid of to achieve your goals. There are individuals who do not want to get help from others because they do not want to share their expected success. What’s sad is that most of them do not actually reach their goals. There is so much joy and celebration for every success that can be shared between several individuals. There is even so much money in the world for everyone to stay rich. Even if you may be better off doing some things yourself, still you cannot do everything.

Being Negative

Pessimism is a trait of losers. Losers always find a reason to lose, even if the situation or opportunity is already presenting itself. In most cases, pessimism is tied up to fear. Seeing things in a negative light will result to bad results too, most of the time. If you start your day negatively, everything else will already seem bad, so you will focus more on the little things that do not matter and let them bother you, instead of keeping your mind on your goals.

Seeking Help

The first step to treating bad habits to achieve your goals is to look at yourself as a confident, capable and strong individual. You are responsible for whatever happens in your life. Although problems are bound to happen, you know that you always have the ability to stay successful in life as you choose. Minor setbacks are supposed to be a means for you to become better and stronger.

Write a list down indicating all your weaknesses and bad traits. Next, put the opposite trait for each. The opposite traits are now your new characteristics to be adopted. Start practicing one good trait per week or month, then add another one for consistency. Over time, you will realize that success follows you because of your positive aura.

To YOUR Success

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Bob Veline

Skype:  YourCurrentinfo