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Getting Help

Getting Help to Achieve Your Goals32122332-a-goal-without-a-plan-is-just-a-wish-concept-text-on-background (1)

A few people are capable of handling challenges and reaching their goals alone. However, majority of cases always require other people’s support. You cannot always expect to finish bigger tasks on time if you do not trust others, especially when you belong in a team. You can accomplish more and become responsible over bigger things if you get help.

Start with Trust

It is important to start trusting other members of the team. Although you may be better off doing everything yourself, you know you cannot actually finish all of these on time. Every individual in the group certainly has strengths and weaknesses. You can alleviate potential problems by choosing individuals that are best for the task at hand. If you’re stuck with someone who is a bit incompetent, you can ask another to supervise and review the work for better results.

Give other individuals time to finish their work and to give out creative ideas that can be beneficial to everyone’s best interests. Creativity greatly enhances if there are several people included in the mix. Learn how to see your teammates in a whole different light. Continue reading Getting Help

Achieve Your Goals

Bad Traits to Avoid If You Wish to Achieve Your Goals   2015-02-27_2132

A lot of people stay unsuccessful or have alternating experiences with success and failure, simply because they do not know that they have many bad traits. Bad traits pertain to habits and personal characteristics that ultimately lead to failure. Some of the things you’ve been so used to doing for several years may be the main reason why you struggle much.

The Basic Bad Habits

Laziness is one of the negative habits that a loser has. The worse thing is, lazy people usually do not want to get rid of the problem. If you want to achieve your goals, you need to understand the value of hard work and perseverance. Some of the greatest people in the world are known to work way more than those who did not leave a mark. The greats work longer hours, sleep less, eat less, wake up earlier and suffer more than anybody else. It takes sacrifice to reach your goals. The most important thing to know is that everything you have ever wanted is just outside your comfort zone.

Another bad habit that people have dealt with for several years is fear. They fear things and events without even trying. Some people are even afraid of success subconsciously in a way that they refute any opportunity that can make them great. Some people do not realize that they just do not or cannot handle the bigger responsibilities that achieved goals come with. You should understand that once you reach a certain goal, it can mean that the bar has just been raised for you to accomplish more.

Personal Bad Traits    

Selfishness is a bad trait that you need to get rid of to achieve your goals. There are individuals who do not want to get help from others because they do not want to share their expected success. What’s sad is that most of them do not actually reach their goals. There is so much joy and celebration for every success that can be shared between several individuals. There is even so much money in the world for everyone to stay rich. Even if you may be better off doing some things yourself, still you cannot do everything.

Being Negative

Pessimism is a trait of losers. Losers always find a reason to lose, even if the situation or opportunity is already presenting itself. In most cases, pessimism is tied up to fear. Seeing things in a negative light will result to bad results too, most of the time. If you start your day negatively, everything else will already seem bad, so you will focus more on the little things that do not matter and let them bother you, instead of keeping your mind on your goals.

Seeking Help

The first step to treating bad habits to achieve your goals is to look at yourself as a confident, capable and strong individual. You are responsible for whatever happens in your life. Although problems are bound to happen, you know that you always have the ability to stay successful in life as you choose. Minor setbacks are supposed to be a means for you to become better and stronger.

Write a list down indicating all your weaknesses and bad traits. Next, put the opposite trait for each. The opposite traits are now your new characteristics to be adopted. Start practicing one good trait per week or month, then add another one for consistency. Over time, you will realize that success follows you because of your positive aura.

To YOUR Success

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Bob Veline

Skype:  YourCurrentinfo



Attract the Universe

Attract the Universe and Achieve Your Goals

The Universal Law of Attraction can be a very effective tool in making you achieve your goals and practically everything else you want to have in this lifetime. You will realize that desire should always start from within, and the world will just obey your thoughts, actions and ideas. Here are some guidelines on how to get your objectives just the way you want.

Ask the Universe   18828050-business-analysis-concept-as-a-project-abstract

According to the Universal Law of Attraction, ask the universe and it shall give to you. However, to achieve your goals, you have to truly have an idea about what kind of thing or event you want to happen in your life. There are plenty of items that you can ask from the world. The most common are superficial things such as money, a new car, a new house, etc. More meaningful items include better relationships with your family or wife, happiness in your job and life, etc. All of these can be given to you at the time you want and in the extent you need.

The Way You Ask     27878924-impossible

The way you ask the universe will also matter. Keep in mind that the universe will immediately hear and respond in the manner you believe in. Your first thought might go, ‘I want a brand new Ferrari.’ The world will then respond, ‘Your wish is my command.’ However, other thoughts can still enter such as, ‘But it may still be when I’m in my 40’s.’ or ‘But it will happen when I get the promotion.’ or even ‘It can’t happen.’ The world will just say yes to everything you inject in your thoughts.

The time, extent, severity and other details of your wish will be determined by your mind alone. If you have any doubt or disbelief about the power of the universe to provide, then it will truly give to you accordingly. Make sure you clean your thoughts thoroughly so that you set your goals straight and allow the universe to perform the best way.

Your Actions     7808353-successful-strong-and-powerful-tackle-roll-up-your-shirt-sleeves-men-s-shirt

Once you have set your goals and asked from the universe, your mind, thoughts and body will start acting automatically to lead towards the goals and objectives. You will subconsciously accomplish small tasks and open up a wide array of opportunities that are meant to direct you to the ultimate mark. Renew your goals each morning as you wake up and your body will just function immediately towards these.

Work both consciously and subconsciously. Remember that it also requires effort and discipline on your part to receive the best things in life. Do not expect everything to just fall into place. If you want to land that promotion, then you should start going to work early, volunteer for projects and show that you are prepared for bigger responsibilities.

Staying Positive

The Universal Law of Attraction helps you achieve your goals, as long as you remain positive. Always believe that the universe is capable of providing immediately. Anything can actually happen, in the time you have set. Always be optimistic in the face of adversary. It is not impossible that you will encounter a few problems along the way, but what’s more important is how you relate to the situation in a positive light. Be conscious about what’s happening and act to alleviate the effects.

To YOUR Success

Close up service award

Bob Veline

Connect on Skype:  YourCurrentinfo



3 Tips to Achieve Your Goals Immediately…

Achieve Your Goals Immediately

Some people may think that goals have a definite timeline to accomplish. In part, this is true, but there are certainly ways on how you can hasten the process. You can achieve more great things by focusing on the current job and getting it done, without any compromise. Here are some guidelines from the experts that you can use yourself.


Step One: Forming a Team

Things can be accomplished more quickly if you rely on other people and assign tasks accordingly. When forming a team, it is important that you choose individuals whom you can trust and are truly competent in the fields you assign them to. Teams need to be supervised to ensure that you get the results you want. You can also create a hierarchy or create pairs so that one can look out for the other, thereby saving you time when reviewing work.

Forming a team gives you the benefit of practicing your leadership skills. You will find that later on, you also get to finish tasks more quickly alone, since you’ve already created an effective system that will provide a smoother flow of various jobs. Make sure you also get the appropriate number of people for the job, or else you risk having too many to watch over, wasting precious time in the process.

Step Two: Finding Shortcuts

Some goals actually have shortcuts that you can use to reach more quickly. These are not quick fixes, but can help the entire system respond in a more conducive manner, thereby boosting the process. For example, there are no short cuts to permanent weight loss, but you can do some techniques that will hasten the fat loss. Some of the approaches include using HIIT or high intensity interval training, instead of the traditional cardiovascular exercise. HIIT is done only in 20 minutes tops, and burns more fat and raises your metabolism higher and for longer periods of time. Your body will respond to the exercise faster.

To know about the shortcuts, always stay updated with changes and developments in technology and professional programs. Stay connected in a network of people related to your goals. Joining forums and online seminars are ideal. You can also talk to experts, so you can compare processes and determine if a certain approach is truly effective.

Step Three: Extra Hours

Consistency, discipline and dedication always give you faster and better results. If you want to finish things faster, you may have to put in extra hours and work longer than the usual. The more important thing is that you keep stress levels down afterwards by relaxing and giving yourself enough time to rest. This way, you can move on to the next goals to be achieved. Overtime should also be well-planned. You cannot expect to work effectively beyond your usual time if you’re still tired the night before or do not have enough equipment to work with.

Prepare and strategize by coming up with small objectives and actions steps to be done in sequence. Having information prior to your overtime can help greatly and save you lots of idle time. You may also ask someone to work with you during overtime to accomplish more. Try to incorporate all the three steps above and see for yourself how much more you can boost the process.

How to be Happy


How to be Happy, let start with An Overview of Happiness

Happiness seems to be a fleeting thing to some people;
others seem to have a good grasp on it and seem to be
able to hang on for dear life!

Happiness means different things to different people,
but there are similarities that have led scientists to
believe that there is much people can do to assist
themselves in their personal pursuit of happiness.

  • Most people who are truly happy have a true sense of
    purpose in their life.
  • What is your passion and are you living it?
  • For many people, faith in God brings them happiness,
    hope for the future and a sense of purpose.  

Happy people generally are giving people; giving truly
does bring the giver joy, if it’s done with a real
attitude of giving for the sake of giving.

Happy people are also thankful for the things in their life,
and for the people and relationships in their life.

Nurture your special relationships with family and
friends and think about dumping negative relationships
that do nothing except bring you down.

Optimism doesn’t come naturally to some people, but
the happiest people are optimists, always looking on
the lighter and brighter side of life. Take it easy on
yourself-lighten up!

If you are online often, have a joke-of-the-day sent
to you. Don’t be afraid to laugh; laughing releases
endorphins in your brain that make you truly happy-as
does exercise.

Consciously look for the bright side in every
situation throughout the day; instead of instantly
thinking something won’t work, think about how it

Be mindful of how blessed you are; got a job? Be
thankful. In a good relationship? Be thankful.
Thankfulness will lead to happiness every time.

Just a little food for thought, we all have a lot  to be thankful for.

To YOUR Success

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Bob Veline

Connect on Skype:  YourCurrentInfo